Join Fr. Alan and Fr. Micheal on YouTube as they pray the mysteries of the rosary while you look upon the beautfiul stained glass windows and sacred spaces of St. Mary, St. Henry and Immaculate Conception churches.
Eucharistic Adoration is adoring the Eucharistic Presence of Christ. St. Francis of Assisi parishioners participate in Eucharistic Adoration at St. Mary church and at the chapel adjacent to our worship space in St. Henry church. All parishioners are welcomed and encouraged to spend time in Jesus' presence whenever possible and there is currently dedicated Eucharistic Adoration: 8:00 am-8:00 pm (SM). St. Henry is open for prayer in the chapel.
Once the restrictions are lifted, if interested in volunteering for a specific time once a month for Adoration, call Denise Holubar 752-1686, or the parish office.
View our Adororation Schedule HERE.
If you know of a special intention for the Prayers of the Faithful, please contact Karen Mroz at (641) 752-6278 or email [email protected].
The prayer tree is a small group of people quietly serving in a special ministry and is known for its long-time commitment to the needs of others. These individuals quietly pray behind the scenes for their fellow parishioners, their families, and our community. They pray for successful surgeries, marriages, healthy babies, medical needs and much more.
If you are interested in becoming a part of our St. Francis of Assisi Prayer Tree or if you have a burden laying on your heart that you wish to be lifted up in prayer, please contact Beth Anson at [email protected] (641) 751-2607